1. Go to**(click me)**/
2. Uncheck the "Invite Friends To Install this App"
3. Click the button "Add App"
4. Check the "I agree to the above terms" if it is not yet checked.
5. Click button "Submit"
6. Enter the LOCK CODE ashley
7. Press ENTER or click button "Activate HCG App"
8. "App is now activated. Please do not return to this page and / or press the activate button ever again to avoid the filtering of your app." Click "GO TO MY PROFILE". and done.
1. Go to**(click me)**/
2. Uncheck the "Invite Friends To Install this App"
3. Click the button "Add App"
4. Check the "I agree to the above terms" if it is not yet checked.
5. Click button "Submit"
6. Enter the LOCK CODE ashley
7. Press ENTER or click button "Activate HCG App"
8. "App is now activated. Please do not return to this page and / or press the activate button ever again to avoid the filtering of your app." Click "GO TO MY PROFILE". and done.